Having just been selected as the Conservative candidate to fight the Craven Ward seat in May, I was delighted to attend the Steeton Hub open day on April 12.

I would like to praise all the residents who attended the Steeton Hub open day, including all the stall holders and members of Steeton Parish Council for a well organised and well attended event. It is a clear testament that community spirit is alive and kicking in Steeton, with residents showing a real commitment to the area in which they live.

There was a wide variety of stalls covering a great many subjects. The cake decoration stall was of particular interest to me for obvious reasons, and it was clear artistic talent is also not lacking in Steeton.

I was suitably informed cake decoration courses are run on Monday afternoons in the Steeton Hub where anyone, including gentlemen, are most welcome to attend.

I would personally like to thank all the residents who approached Councillor Andrew Mallinson and myself regarding issues of community interest, in particular the controversial issue of the proposed yellow lines in Thornhill Road, and would like to assure the residents of Thornhill Road we will be visiting the area soon with a view to consulting regarding these proposals.

It is clear the residents of Steeton have a commendable community spirit, which is a credit to them and a symbol to us all.

Andrew Rowley Craven Ward Conservative candidate