I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Silsden for giving up their time to speak with myself and Councillor Andrew Mallinson with regards to local issues of concern.

It was clear the subject of dog fouling was high on the list of concerns for the residents of Silsden, who are fed up with having to deal with the results of irresponsible dog owners.

The issue of dog fouling is fast becoming a major concern, which needs to be addressed and taken seriously.

The vast majority of responsible dog owners in Silsden do clean up after their pets, and they should be commended. However, there is still a hard core of irresponsible dog owners who refuse to pick up after their dogs.

Dog fouling is not only unpleasant, it is dangerous, as dog excrement can carry a dangerous infection called toxocariasis, which could lead to unpleasant health issues.

I would therefore like to call upon all dog owners, who allow their pets to foul our footpaths and verges, to clean up after them. The risk to public health is very real, as is the fixed penalty for failing to clean up after your pet, so please bag it and bin it.

Andrew Rowley Conservative candidate for Craven