A KEIGHLEY woman who went through a traumatic pregnancy is celebrating not only giving birth to a second daughter but beating 48 million to one odds at the same time!

Lee-anne Spriggs, of Woodhouse, gave birth to her first daughter, Paige, 11 years ago on her birthday – a nice coincidence in itself.

But incredibly, her second daughter, Enya-Rose, has also been born on her birthday, this time her 30th birthday last Wednesday. (May 11)

Mrs Spriggs, who feared she would never be able to have a second child following three previous miscarriages, said both she and the staff at Airedale Hospital were left struggling to comprehend just how rare it is for a mum to give birth separately to two children on her own birthday.

Her own mother, Julie Dunford, who lives in Beechcliffe, said: "Everyone at the hospital was saying how unusual it is. The odds of this happening are like winning the lottery.

"Enya-Rose is very well and I think she looks absolutely beautiful."

Mrs Spriggs, who was working at Keighley's Max Spielmann branch before her latest pregnancy, said her husband Iain was relieved and delighted that Enya-Rose is healthy.

She explained that her first pregnancy had been straightforward, but she had gone through the ordeal of suffering three miscarriages since then and her latest birth was also hit by complications.

"Enya-Rose was due on May 19 and I was already on a lot of medication to help me continue with the pregnancy," she said.

"I was having complications including excess amniotic fluid which made it look as if I carrying a much larger child.

"I was called into Airedale on May 9 and was in a lot of pain for 48 hours while they tried to induce the birth.

"One of the midwives then said there was a problem, and I was told that Enya-Rose had turned round inside me, which would have meant me needing a breech birth.

"So I had a C Section instead and fortunately that went well. Enya-Rose was born weighting seven pounds eight ounces."

She explained that she was understandably a little too occupied to celebrate her own birthday last Wednesday, though added that the hospital staff in Ward 21 did sing 'Happy Birthday' to her.

"All this meant that was I was in hospital during my older daughter's birthday, which was upsetting for her. But Paige is over the moon that we all now have our birthdays on the same day!

"Every midwife, doctor and surgeon we've spoken to at Airedale has said it's unbelievable."