Ann Williams, Airedale Church

I was contemplating the characteristics of worldly life today and this is what I saw:

Politics: aggressive self-will and slander of other people whose beliefs do not align with ours.

Work situations: competition, jealousy, fear of being overlooked, redundancy, fear of poverty.

TV News: what is included? Wars, murder and violence, earthquakes, floods, forest fires, refugees and homelessness.

On the media we hear discussions full of harsh, cruel criticism and sarcasm. Even ‘comedy’ is reduced to sexual innuendos and foul language.

Relationships: divorce and family problems, fear of being unloved and not respected.

Results: we are left with depression, ill-health, mental issues and fear.

How can we change the world we live in?

Throw off the dark clouds of negativity and fear – don’t receive them!

‘Do not be anxious about anything – but by prayer and petition present your requests to God and the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!’ Philippians 4: 6-7.

Put on the cloak of love, hope and a sound mind which Jesus promised us. Live as He lived, in love and forgiveness towards our neighbours.

Joel 2:25 says: ‘I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.’

Thank you, Dear Lord!
