KEIGHLEY East councillor Doreen Lee is to serve a further year as the Lord Mayor of Bradford.

It follows the cancellation due to the coronavirus crisis of Bradford Council’s annual general meeting and mayor-making ceremony.

She was due to hand over the chains to her current deputy, Councillor Shabir Hussain.

The civic head normally attends hundreds of events a year, but the role has taken on a very different look since the pandemic broke out.

“It’s a real honour to be Lord Mayor of Bradford district but of course since the pandemic began the role has changed hugely,” said Cllr Lee.

“Instead of going to events, and visiting people in community centres and care homes, I am doing everything virtually.

“This means I send messages on video mostly. This is a shame as I love meeting people face to face and hope for a day soon when I will be able to do so once again.

“Now the term has been extended another year I am hopeful that I will end my time in office more in the traditional sense.”

During her term, Cllr Lee is raising money for Child Bereavement UK and the Pot of Gold appeal, which provides grants for smaller groups, organisations and projects across the Bradford district.

A council spokesman confirmed that Cllr Lee would now remain in office until May next year.

He added: “The Government’s Covid-19 regulations for virtual meetings held by local councils have meant the legislation requiring councils to hold annual meetings has been temporarily lifted. This means that any appointments normally made at AGMs cannot be made.”