WE are asking readers to send in photos of their newborns - and here are the latest beautiful babies bringing a ray of sunshine to families across the district.

Above are:

Hugo James Waterhouse, born at Airedale Hospital on September 12, 8lb 8oz, to Robert Waterhouse and Amy Sorge of Ilkley. Picture: Jenna Meeking Photography

Says Amy: "Hugo was induced two weeks early due to medical complications. It was a long, scary three days in hospital alone before my partner was allowed to join me on the ward but so worth it once Hugo was here and healthy."

Olly James Gilsenan, born at St James's Hospital, Leeds, on July 15, 9lb 2oz, to Joanne Robinson and Ian Gilsenan. A little brother for Samuel Siddall.

Say the proud parents: "Olly arrived by induction a week overdue. He was a big baby and had shoulder distocia, unfortunately in order to delivery him safely his arm was broken. But the midwives and doctors were amazing. He is now 10-weeks-old and a real cheeky chappy."

Maria Jeanette Clarkson, born at Bradford Royal Infirmary on July 26, 8lb 3oz, to Amy and Simon Clarkson of Bradford. A little sister for Holly Clarkson.

Says Amy: "I was induced with Maria. Contractions started at 3.30pm, by 6.30pm things where more regular. I was taken to the labour ward and had my waters broken. By 7am labour had stopped, I was rushed to theatre for a emergency Caesarean. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. But I had my husband by my side, which made it easier. Our second daughter arrived at 9.58am. Maria is pictured with her big sister, Holly."

Tadhg John Benjamin Comstive, born at Airedale Hospital on July 23, 8lb 6oz, to Kimberley Spooner and Benjamin Comstive of Bingley.

Say the proud parents: "After a three-day labour, an induction and mother heading for emergency surgery after the birth, Tadhg was born at 11.56am and been bringing us both happiness every second since. He is pictured after bath time."

Bobby Jack Illingsworth, born at Bradford Royal Infirmary on August 26, 6lb 5oz, to Bethany Cook and Aaron Illingsworth.

Says Bethany: "I went to hospital in the early hours of the morning with pain in my stomach and heavy bleeding. After around 15 minutes of being in the assessment centre my baby’s heart rate had dropped and I was rushed round to theatre in the labour ward and put to sleep to have an emergency C-section as my placenta had come away from my womb. I was completely alone and did not have a birthing partner with me, my little boy was born at 1.54am. He is pictured all ready for the spooky season."

Many mums are going into hospital alone, due to Covid restrictions, and having their babies without a loved one by their side. But it’s also a special time to be born, and we hope these picture galleries will become treasured keepsakes.

● Share your baby photos with us and our readers by emailing them to Alistair Shand at alistair.shand@keighleynews.co.uk