MORE than 30 projects designed to rejuvenate Keighley and bolster its economic growth have been unveiled.

Schemes range from a one-way traffic system on Cavendish Street to new skills and training hubs, a health and wellbeing centre and a digital programme aimed at producing better and faster internet connections.

Now the public is being urged to have its say on the proposals, which form part of Keighley's bid for up to £25 million from the Government Towns Fund.

Once consultation closes on Monday, January 4, a decision will be made about which schemes should go forward for submission at the end of next month.

Initially, more than 50 project ideas were considered as part of the so-called Keighley Town Investment Plan.

But after an assessment of each one against Government criteria, the list has been whittled-down to 36 – across seven different themes.

The work is being spearheaded by the Keighley Town Deal Board, which includes businesses, the MP, stakeholder organisations and representatives from the voluntary and community sectors, Bradford Council and Keighley Town Council.

Ian Hayfield, the board chairman and director of Hayfield Robinson Ltd, said: “This Government funding is crucial to ensure a better future for the town – and the project ideas are really exciting.

"I’m extremely proud of the way we’ve all worked together as one Keighley-wide team."

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council's portfolio holder for regeneration, planning and transport, urges people to give their views.

He added: “The Towns Fund represents a fantastic opportunity to deliver real economic and social change for everyone in Keighley in the years to come. Please do have your say on these projects."

Keighley MP Robbie Moore echoes the call.

“We have a great opportunity to draw down up to £25 million from the Government to invest in Keighley and across the Worth Valley," he said.

"This is just part of the Government’s levelling-up agenda and it will help us revitalise and kickstart our local offering.

"I am very excited that after considering many local submissions for the funds, the Town Deal Board has got to a position where it can consult residents on the proposed projects.

"All of the projects would help rejuvenate Keighley and the Worth Valley and I would like everyone to get involved and have their say. It is vital that we garner the views of local residents to see how the Towns Fund can work for you.”

People can view the proposals and comment at

The proposed projects are:

Town-centre improvements. Ensuring the town centre is a thriving place for people to live and work, with an improved public realm, better accessibility and 'walkability' and preserved assets –

* Low Street Public Realm phase 2. Second phase of the regeneration of Low Street, including new paving, upgraded street lighting, and new benches, bins and planters

* Active Travel Investments. Seven active travel projects (pedestrian, road refurbishment) across Keighley

* Tree Planting Programme. A tree planting programme across Keighley, increasing greenery, absorbing pollution and reducing urban heat effects

* Church Yard Improvements. Regeneration of the yard including improved access, landscape enhancement

* Albert Yard Improvements. Regeneration of the yard including improved lighting, landscape enhancement

Skills. Ensuring the town has the space to support skills for local employment and entrepreneurship, including by increasing capacity and accessibility to new or improved skills facilities –

* Keighley Skills Hub. A new skills hub sponsored by Keighley College to deliver various types of classes (basic skills, communication, personal development, digital and IT) and support employment

* Manufacturing Engineering Future Technology Hub. A new training hub sponsored by Keighley College, specialising in manufacturing and engineering skills

Community and Enterprise. Supporting small business and the third sector's development, improving commercial space and strengthening their impact on the local economy and community –

* Women Employment Project. A new social enterprise providing skills training packages relating to the textile industry for local BAME women

* Building Improvement of Various Charities and Community Centres (seven projects). Building improvements including layout, access, rooms, broadband and roofs

* Capital Assistance to Business Growth. Create a fund to support local businesses moving into better premises and purchasing adequate equipment

* Refurbishment of Haworth Toilets. Refurbishment of the public toilets at a high-tourism location

* Keighley Cougars Facilities Regeneration. Redevelopment of the main stand to provide modern facilities, including a business incubator

* Dalton Mill Feasibility and Project. Repurposing of the mill to transform it into a business and community centre focused on creative and digital industries

* Stockbridge Community Centre. Creation of a new community centre in Stockbridge

Culture and Heritage. Supporting the arts, creative activity, local heritage and landmarks, cultures and sub-cultures, in order to sustain the development of strong communities, strengthen identity, build a local place-brand, promote tourism and create economic opportunities –

* Community Art Hub. Create a cultural destination in Keighley town centre

* Keighley Arts and Film Festival. Support the development of the Keighley Arts and Film Festival

* Oakworth Edwardian Promenade. Restore an approximate 200-yard length of the promenade

* Police Museum. Establish a police museum in the town centre

Health and Sport. Develop assets and infrastructure that promote healthy habits, such as encouraging residents to walk or cycle daily and practise sports, and better the value of existing natural assets such as parks and rivers for leisure and physical activity –

* Centrally-located Keighley Health and Wellbeing Centre. An integrated health and wellbeing hub at the heart of Keighley, bringing together GP services including self-care and prevention, as well as community care, mental health, dental care services and a GP training hub

* River Worth Friends. Improvements to the riverbanks with walking and cycling routes and protected wildlife

* Worth Valley Cycle Way. Building a safe, user-friendly cycleway from Oxenhope to Keighley

Infrastructure. Developing key infrastructure to improve the town’s connectivity – both physical and digital – and ensuring economic attractiveness and prosperity –

* Digital Aire Valley Programme. Better and faster internet connection across Keighley

* Real Time Bus Information. Extending the existing real time information system across the town

* Keighley & Worth Valley Railway. Series of improvements to increase the line capacity and flexibility of operations and subsequently traffic

* Keighley Station Improvements. Refurbishment of the railway station (roof, windows, ramps), improving the historic fabric of the station as well as accessibility

* Dalton Lane Environmental Improvements. Upgrade surfaces, landscaping, street furniture and lighting along Dalton Lane (Business Development Zone area)

* Traffic Changes in the Town Centre. Implementing a one-way system on Cavendish Street

Commercial and Residential Property. A fund to restore and repurpose buildings, or remediate and redevelop sites for commercial and residential use in these areas –

* Royd Ings Business Development Zone. Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices)

* Dalton Lane Business Development Zone. Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices)

* North side of Town Centre (for example, Aire Valley Business Centre). Demolition of aged office and warehouse accommodation, to be replaced with new-build light industrial sheds

* Cavendish Street. Property refurbishment and repurposing

* North Street. Property refurbishment and repurposing

* Beck Street/Water Lane area. Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices)

* West side of Town Centre (for example, West Lane area). Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices) and some residential use

* South side of Town Centre (for example, Prospect Mills area). Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices) and some residential use

* East side of Town Centre (for example, Low Mills area). Site remediation, refurbishment and/or construction of modern buildings for commercial use (industrial or offices) and some residential use