I THINK John Roberts must have been having a bad day when he wrote his latest letter to the Keighley News.

It was so gloomy. I was born in 1942 too and like John voted remain. Unlike John I have accepted the democratic vote and moved on.

Leaving the EU has not triggered any of the catastrophes forecast by 'Project Fear' – Covid is a different matter.

Here are just two favourable examples of what can be done:

* The UK has implemented a complete ban on Dutch pulse fishing trawlers in UK fishing grounds.

* The UK was the first to secure a contract for the supply of vaccine and the first to deploy. Compare this to the vaccine shortage in Germany where Angela Merkel entrusted its vaccine orders to the European Commission, which got stuck in protracted negotiations and failed to order enough.

Every week in the Keighley News we read of good deeds – groups of volunteers planting trees, clearing streams and rivers and helping charitable causes. Recently you reported that a £10 million development in the town had been given the go ahead, the Victoria Hotel site is to be redeveloped, the Hard Ings Road link is working well and a Keighley-based firm has been awarded a large contract by the Department for Health and Social Care which has created 100 new jobs. All good news.

Of course there are challenges, every generation has faced them, but it is much easier to do it with a smile and a 'can do' attitude. With infection rates dropping and the vaccine programme there are lots of good reasons to look forward to 2021.

Keith Waddington, Skipton

* Email your letters to alistair.shand@keighleynews.co.uk