LEARNING entered a new chapter for pupils at Kildwick CE Primary School.

They took part in an online ‘Storytellathon’ to celebrate World Book Day.

Staff and children had turns at reading their favourite stories during the 12-hour event – and there were guest slots for parents, carers, grandparents, celebrities and authors.

Assistant head, Donna Akrigg, said staff had wanted all the children to be able to take part in the national initiative together.

She added: “World Book Day is an important date in the school calendar and we didn’t want the children to miss out on celebrating this year.

“Reading and storytelling is a priority at Kildwick CE Primary because we believe reading is the foundation to learning. Listening to stories is important for children of all ages – for their academic development and also their mental wellbeing.

“Children from reception right through to year six read to each other with confidence and showed a real love of reading. They were amazing.

“Some children listened to the stories for the whole 12 hours! The day was a huge success.”