CRAVEN-ward district councillor Adrian Naylor has announced he will be seeking re-election in May.

The independent councillor has served on Bradford Council since 2006.

“I moved into the ward in 1989 and feel that the only way to represent a community is to be part of it,” said Cllr Naylor, who lives at High Brunthwaite in Silsden.

“That means living in the ward, not being an ‘absentee’ councillor only seen at election time.

“The national parties think they can take people’s votes for granted and ‘parachute’ candidates in from elsewhere just before an election – this doesn’t work.

“I want to preserve our community as much as possible and improve it for the benefit of our residents.

“I am currently working to challenge Bradford’s emerging Local Plan – which seeks to increase the number of houses in our ward – and challenging the lack of infrastructure planning that our community desperately needs.”

Cllr Naylor has also been a member of Silsden Town Council for 17 years.

The elections take place on May 6. In addition to the Bradford Council poll, there is also the West Yorkshire mayoral election and in some areas, parish elections and Neighbourhood Planning referendums.