HELP is being sought to build a community garden at Silsden.

The site is being created alongside the fire station, in Elliott Street.

Features will include seating areas, shrubbery, flowers, a pergola and pathways.

Funding for the project is in place, but an appeal has been issued for people able to assist with the work.

Behind the initiative is Dom Creed, watch commander at Silsden fire station.

“I’d seen a lot of elderly people stopping for a breather as they walked along Elliott Street,” he said. “After chatting to them it occurred to me it would be a good idea to create a community garden where people can relax. We have a ‘spare’ area next to the fire station which is ideal.

“I’d love to hear from anyone able to lend a hand with the work. There are plant retainers to build, a pergola to make, pathways to be installed and seating areas to create.”

It’s hoped the project will be complete by the end of next month.

Anyone able to help can contact Dom at the fire station on 01535 653371 or message him on Facebook.