ST George’s Day celebrations in Keighley have been hailed as a success – despite having to be staged online due to Covid restrictions.

The town council held a virtual event, via its Facebook page, over the weekend.

Live entertainment and music, hosted by businesses and individuals, were on offer.

Town mayor, Councillor Peter Corkindale, said: “We provided free entertainment for the people of Keighley via our social media pages.

“We’d like to thank Bradford Libraries, children’s entertainers Jingjangjoojong, Keighley and District Local History Society, poets Jem Stuart and Jim Saville, Video Mic Night-TV and all the amazing bands that took part in the live mic night.

“We hope to bring you the next St George’s Day in person!”

The town council also organised two colouring competitions.

Schools were invited to enter a contest to design a crown, which was won by Apple class at St Joseph’s Primary. And children could create a shield.

Winners and runners-up received vouchers for Fletchers Stationery, Art & Print in Keighley.