In this scene, which we tend to view nostalgically as Christmassy but which was probably just plain miserable for those involved, the weather has halted an early Keighley electric tramcar.

It has stopped in South Street, the King's Head being visible towards the right behind the tram. At the far right is the tower-wagon used to repair the overhead wires.

Keighley's electric trams replaced a horse-drawn service in 1904 and continued until 1924.

Snow like this - real snow, not the wet mush that passes for snow nowadays - seems to have become a thing of the past. What it could mean is summarised in Keighley Town Council records of the severe winter of 1947.

"On February 3, 1,357 man-hours were worked by 144 men. Eight motor lorries were ploughing for 88 hours and there were 61 hours in gritting and snow removal by four motor lorries. Ploughing started at 3am and two ploughs continued all night. Two lorries pushing ploughs broke down under the strain "

The photograph was supplied by Mr Kevin Seaton, of Shann Lane, Keighley.