When 21-year-old Kelly Gorman decided to open her own hair salon, she never imagined that Pink Floyd would be the secret of her success.

In an Utley hairdresser's named "Unruly", a pink parrot plays a surprising host to visiting customers, welcoming them as they arrive.

He goes by the name of Pink Floyd, and, with his charming one-liners and striking pink demeanour matching the salon's décor, he has become a hit with the ladies.

Pink Floyd was given to Miss Gorman as a 21st birthday present, and people come into the salon especially to see the chatty parrot.

She said: "When customers enter he says: Hello, what are you doing?' and things like tickle Floyd' and when somebody leaves the room he says where's mum?' - it's really cute."

Miss Gorman has owned the salon since July and received the parrot about six months ago from her parents after their trip to Australia.

Her dad Des Gorman said "Pink Floyd sits in the window and kids walk past and wave to him.

"Customers will sing to him and he will dance and let them tickle him - if he is in that sort of a mood."