Victims of domestic abuse in South Craven have been reminded that they do have someone to turn to for help.

Craven Domestic Violence Service (CDVS) - a free service which has been operating since 1998 - is on hand to offer practical and emotional support.

Service co-ordinator Sandra Oldham said: "We've been inundated recently with desperate pleas for help from women and children affected by abuse in the home. In November, 20 women turned to CDVS asking for emotional or practical support. We normally help around eight to ten new clients each month.

"The most important part of our response is that victims can talk to someone who is ready to believe them and offer help. The message to anyone suffering domestic abuse is that change is possible."

The service has four part-time outreach workers who are able to provide information on a wide range of issues, including housing, health, legal assistance, welfare and financial rights.

They can also assist people needing temporary emergency accommodation and can make referrals to refuges across the country.

Anyone in the South Craven area needing support can contact the group on 01756 794400 in office hours. A 24-hour helpline is run by Women's Aid, on 0808 2000247.