A Silsden nursing home resident is looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday this Saturday.

Elsie Dewhirst, who lives at The Gables, said: "I feel very well apart from my legs - I've been troubled with arthritis for a long time but I've had a quiet life.

"Knowing I'm going to be 100 doesn't really make me feel any different.

"I just wish my legs felt as good as the rest of me."

Mrs Dewhirst added she was born in Keighley and had lived locally all her life. She first lived in Thwaites Brow, though later moved to Worth Village, then Bogthorn.

She has lived in Silsden for the last three years.

She left school when she was 13 and spent 23 years working as a weaver.

She has been married twice - though both her husbands are now dead - and has one daughter and one surviving sister.

She said she lived alone for 30 years after her first husband died but met her second husband in a rest home, where she was recovering from a bout of illness.

She will mark her 100th birthday this Saturday with a party with friends and relatives at the Keighley Cougars' rugby ground.