Paige Swain has been crowned the cutest baby in Keighley in 2007 Her mum Kim Nelson, 20, from Silsden, entered Paige, then eight weeks, into the Keighley News Baby of the Year 2007.

The contest was sponsored by the Airedale Shopping Centre.

Kim said: "In my head I always thought she would win, but I knew there were lots of babies entering it."

The family and friends of Kim and her partner Liam Swain rang in to vote for their daughter, and when they discovered she had won they were both very proud parents.

"My mum rang me to tell me the newspaper was in the petrol station early and that we had won, and we both screamed and went down and got about ten copies," she said.

Kim is now the proud owner of a large portrait of Paige, as well as a Child of the Year cup. Runners-up prizes go to Mollie Wadsworth from the 18 months to three years age group, and Kai Lyness, from the three to five years age group.