The senior partner of a recruitment business claims that a "disgusting" amount of fly-tipping near his premises is creating a fire hazard.

Denis Pagden - of Rotherwood Recruitment Agency in Cavendish Street - says broken glass, scattered clothes and people drinking behind the back of his offices is unpleasant for staff members, who have to pass through the alley to get to their cars.

He added that people have been regularly sleeping rough in the passageway, situated next to the former Do It All store, and where last week a sofa appeared for people to sit on.

Mr Pagden said: "It is just diabolical - they are there when we leave, drinking cider, and they're sleeping rough when we arrive in the morning.

"It has got a lot worse over the last six weeks since Do It All left. It used to be a lot better when the Police Community Support Officers used to walk around there but we never see any of them now. The scene is absolutely disgusting.

"In the whole of the building which backs onto that area there will be 50 or 60 people working who have to put up with it and it is very unpleasant for them."

Mr Pagden has contacted the environmental health department at Bradford Council, which has told him that it will remove the rubbish.

Sgt Steve Greenbank, of Keighley neighbourhood policing team, said: "Although fly-tipping is an issue for the environmental health department to deal with, if there are any anti-social behaviour issues we will deal with that.

"It has been raised now and I will make sure the PCSO will patrol that and if there are any arrestable offences we will make sure we deal with those."

Neil Atkinson, Bradford Council's environmental health manager, said: "We will investigate this site and what can be done to remove the fly-tipping.

"Evidence and information from the public is vital we urge people who see fly-tipping incidents to report them to the council on 01274 434366."