A man fined after parking outside a Keighley mosque is warning others to be wary in case they are hit with a £90 penalty.

David Tea, from Wheatland Lane, in Keighley, had a ticket slapped on his vehicle windscreen less than two minutes after parking outside the mosque, in Temple Row, because he had failed to see warning signs.

When the Keighley News went to the scene to investigate, it found two other people who had just been issued with tickets and one person who was about to be.

Two men in a white van were so annoyed by their ticket that they had taken it upon themselves to park in the entrance of Temple Row to warn other drivers not to park in the area.

One of them, Anthony Broadhurst, said: "We thought we would park there because there is lots of space and we didn't see the signs. They are too high up for us to see in a van from the window, unless you really bend down you can't see them.

"There is a man waiting in a car for people to come. I ran straight back to my car but as soon as he saw me he ran straight up and did not even give me five minutes."

The exempt area, owned by the mosque, is policed by a private company called Parkcare Facilities, which has positioned warning signs on high poles at either end of the area.

A representative from the mosque, who did not wish to be named, said they hired a private company to help prevent people parking on their property, because people visiting the mosque had nowhere to park He said: "We have had a problem with people parking outside the mosque. Many people use that area to park to nip to the bank or into town and when people come to visit the mosque there is nowhere for them to park. There is no financial gain for the mosque, we just want to prevent people parking there.

"We have had advice from Parkcare and the signs are positioned as low as they legally can be because it is a free-standing post."

No one from Parkcare was available to comment.