A HEALTHY Eating Week at a Keighley-district secondary school went down a treat.

As part of the initiative, at Parkside in Cullingworth, a range of healthy dishes from across the world was served-up.

The 1,110-pupil school’s food department joined forces with the catering team for the venture.

Some students were awarded ‘golden tickets’ by their form tutors entitling them to a free meal – but even those who paid only had to fork-out £1 for a three-course lunch.

Food technician Mrs Sarah Osgerby became ‘sous chef’ to Mrs Isobel Evans and Mrs Jeanette Mitchell in the canteen kitchen, prepping vegetables for the meals prepared by the kitchen team.

And Mrs Claire Oliver, Mrs Helen Dunn and Miss Laura Ridley were recruited as silver service waiting staff.

The international theme began on the Monday with students being transported to Thailand and China, for Thai green curry and Chinese chicken noodle stir fry.

On the Tuesday they visited Italy for pasta and pizza, followed by a popular lemon polenta cake.

Wednesday saw the pupils head to India, for chicken tikka masala or sweet potato curry, mango mousse and a fruity Lassi drink.

The following day they had a taste of Mexico, with tasty burritos.

And on the Friday it was ‘back home’, for a roast dinner or fish and chips.

As part of the final day, the PE department organised a ‘get active’ session in the gym to promote the message around the importance of personal activity for overall health, alongside healthier eating.

Mrs Osgerby said the Healthy Eating Week was the biggest yet staged by the school, and was a huge success.

She added: “The feedback from the students was amazing, with requests that the dishes be served on a more regular basis.”