A successful award scheme for Braithwaite youngsters is being extended to the Bracken Bank area.

About 20 young people will work towards the Young Citizens Award over the next few months.

Children at risk of crime and anti-social behaviour will be encouraged to become model citizens.

The original Braithwaite children, all aged between nine and 12, were given their awards last month.

They spent three months learning about drugs, first aid, citizenship, victims of crime and self-esteem.

They met regularly with supervisors and also tried outdoor activities like kayaking, raft building and climbing.

Keighley police will now run the £12,000 award scheme in Bracken Bank, mostly funded from the Streets Ahead regeneration programme.

The youngsters will confront their behaviour, learn the consequences of their actions and build confidence and social skills.

Streets Ahead manager Nigel Cawthorne said: "It focuses on young people who are in danger of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour or crime."