Almost three-quarters of the district's bus users are satisfied with services, according to a survey.

A joint review by Bradford Council, Metro and bus companies found a 73 per cent satisfaction level, the highest of the five districts in West Yorkshire. The county average was 67 per cent.

A report to be presented to the council's executive next Tuesday says that while responses to the review were positive, further measures were needed to improve services around the district.

Tackling congestion, improving accessibility to the bus network and punctuality, simplifying fares and ticketing arrangements, enforcing the use of bus lanes and making the transport system more integrated were among areas identified for attention.

The report proposes that the issues be addressed in an action plan to be progressed and monitored by the Bradford Bus Partnership Steering Group.

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, the council's executive member for the environment, said: "A reliable, high quality and well used bus service is a key contributor to local transport objectives and will help to secure a more efficient and accessible transport system. This in turn will contribute to economic growth and help to reduce social exclusion in the district.

"Bus services provide an essential mode of transport for many disabled people, older people and parents with young children. It would therefore be significantly beneficial to the community to have an improved service."