Eighteen months ago Down Memory Lane featured a photograph of the men and boys of Haworth Parish Church Choir in the 1950s, but this group includes the ladies.

It has been supplied by Mrs Elsie Hudson, of Sutton Court, Bingley, who appears as Miss Elsie Holmes.

Names she remembers are Tom Rushworth, Eric Wigglesworth, Jack Wood, Jack Brown, John Kershaw, Jack Laycock, Eeland Rogerson, Arthur Ritchie and Kendrick Shackleton.

The other lady choir members were Mesdames Sutcliffe, Brown, Burke, Shackleton, Bradbury, Wall, Rogerson, Wood, Kershaw, Hartley, and Roper. The last man on the right was the then Rector, Canon William T Dixon, who served at Haworth for 11 years and collaborated with John Lock on A Man of Sorrow, a comprehensive biography of the Rev Patrick Brontë, published in 1965.

Long-serving organist and choirmaster Jack H Rhodes stands at the far left. He composed hymn tunes, one of which, appropriately called Haworth, was set to Anne Brontë's The Narrow Way.

He also conducted a Skipton Male Voice Choir.