Key Stage Four Tables

Greenhead High A 198 B 23% C 29 D 289.5 E 976.3 F 417.5 G 27 H 1.80% I 18

The Holy Family A 170 B 31% C 23 D 339.7 E 983.3 F 751.8 G 7 H 0.70% I 27

Oakbank A 298 B 36% C 18 D 324.6 E 992.3 F 629.8 G 15 H 2.50% I 14

Parkside School A 211 B 45% C 13 D 308.2 E 984.8 F 729.1 G 9 H 1.50% I 20

South Craven A 298 B 51% C 33 D 406.3 E 997.8 F 761.4 G 20 H 0.8% I 16

Key a The number of pupils eligible for GCSE and equivalent qualifications. This is defined as the number of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4, which usually means all pupils in Year 11.

b The proportion of candidates getting five A* to C-grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and maths.

c The rank within its local authority which the school achieved according to the proportion of pupils getting five Cs in GCSE subjects including English and maths column b). Ties are broken by average GCSE points score.

d The average GCSE points score per pupil. GCSEs and qualifications judged to be equivalent to GCSEs are assigned points.

As examples, the Government has listed the following: GCSE, grade B= 46 points; Intermediate GNVQ, merit = 196 points; Certification in Modern Foreign Languages, entry level, grade 3 = 14 points; National Certificate in Business, merit = 196 points.There are too many qualifications now being included to list each one alongside its points score.

e The school's Key Stage 2 (age 11) to GCSE contextual value-added score (see notes to Table 5 for explanation).

f The A-Level points score per candidate, including other equivalent qualifications.

g The rank within its local authority the school achieved according to its A-Level points score per candidate.

Ties are broken by the average number of points scored per exam entry (figure not shown).

h The percentage of half-days missed due to unauthorised absence (truancy).

i The rank within its local authority the school achieved according to its truancy rate, with the worst performing school at the top. Ties broken by number of pupils aged 15 (figure not shown).