A debt-ridden 22-year-old woman who stole more than £4,000 from the dental surgery where she worked as a practice manager has been made the subject of a one-year community order.

Tearful Carlie Moulds was told by a judge at Bradford Crown Court last Thursday that she had lost her good character after she admitted stealing the cash from the Whitecross Dental Practice, in Skipton, last year.

As part of her sentence, Moulds, of Lauren Drive, Keighley, will have to do 100 hours' unpaid work for the community, but the Honorary Recorder of Bradford Judge Stephen Gullick declined to make any kind of compensation order because of her continuing financial difficulties.

He warned Moulds, however, that the dental practice could sue her in the county court to get back the £4,013.82 which she stole between May and August.

Prosecutor John Bull said Moulds, who had no previous convictions, had started work as a receptionist but was promoted to practice manager in about August 2006. Moulds's responsibilities included banking money received by the practice but by May last year she was telling an area manager that she was "struggling".

In July financial irregularities came to light and it emerged that over a three-month period Moulds had misappropriated just over £4,000.

She admitted at a meeting in August taking the money and was suspended from her position at the practice.

The court heard that when she was arrested in November, Moulds expressed remorse for her actions and blamed her financial difficulties.

Barrister Ken Green, for Moulds, told the hearing that she was now working as a nurse and was subject to an individual voluntary arrangement together with her partner to pay off their debts.

"Effectively they have £15,000 worth of debts which they can in no way service and it's that which led her to become involved with this offending," said Mr Green.

He said his client was still in dire financial straits and it was appropriate to leave the question of compensation to the county court.

Judge Gullick accepted that Moulds had got herself into financial difficulties and that they were likely to continue for some time. "You've lost your good character, you've lost your job and I apprehend that those from whom you are seeking employment in the future may be somewhat wary about employing you."