Unlike most women who have just got married, young professional Melanie Howcutt kicked off the 2007 New Year feeling depressed and overweight.

At the age of 26, she weighed nearly 17 stones and had been overweight for most of her adult life.

But, one year later and nearly six stones lighter, Mrs Howcutt, pictured left, is looking forward to 2008 happy, confident and wearing a little size 12 party number.

The inspiration for losing weight came one day while looking at her wedding photos.

Mrs Howcutt said: "I felt overweight on the day of my wedding and I could feel the over-hang.

"When you are that size you never feel like you are that big, it is only when you look back at your pictures you see what other people see.

"I kept moaning about it with my friend and it got to the point where she just said we will go to Weight Watchers and we will get this sorted together'."

Last May Mrs Howcutt began attending Weight Watchers classes at the Airedale Church, in North Street, Keighley, and has since managed to lose 5st and 10lb.

Praising her husband, Chris, for the support he has given her, Melanie now says she is feeling a lot more vibrant and confident in herself.

She said: "I was extremely overweight before whereas I do not feel it any more - my husband has noticed a big difference in my confidence and I do think that is the main thing. I can now use stairs without thinking twice about it and wanting to take the lift.

"It has become a way of life now.

"I am comfortable in a size 14 but I just have eight pounds to go before I am classed at a healthy weight.

For my work's Christmas party I managed to fit into a size 12 dress!"