An amateur boxer fell to his death as he carried out roof repairs, an inquest heard.

Darren Michael Davitt, pictured, 41, of Whinfield Avenue, Keighley, was cleaning a gutter at the back of a house in West Lane, Keighley, when the accident happened.

He was doing the work at the home of his girlfriend's father, who discovered him lying on his back surrounded by a pool of blood, the Bradford hearing was told on Tuesday.

A post-mortem examination showed he suffered a brain stem haemorrhage, broken ribs and a fractured skull. He died of his injuries at Leeds General Infirmary.

Mr Davitt, who was known as Dead Right Daz in the boxing ring, spent most of his working life as a labourer on building sites, but was unemployed at the time of his death.

He leaves two children, Dempsey and Ashleigh.

Coroner Roger Whittaker recorded a verdict of accidental death. He said: "It is clear he was on his own. This may not have been wise and indeed was unsafe. This is a simply tragic accident.

"Anyone working on roofs at this level should take care. Ladders should be tied up at the top and footed at the bottom."