Keighley's new police chief is promising a tough response to the scourge of drugs.

And he has put his weight behind the funding-threatened Bradford District Drugs Team, which has made a huge impact in taking dealers off the town's streets.

"It delivers such fantastic results," he said. "The press has reported on cannabis factories springing up all over the place, and it is the drugs' team which is tackling them."

He added: "I'm very anti-drugs - I've seen the consequences they have on people who take them.

"I want a strong police drugs' team and strong drugs prevention. I think this is one of the single biggest factors that affects quality of life."

Chief Supt Allan Doherty - speaking at a Keighley Town Council meeting - also reiterated that the town was one of the safest places in West Yorkshire in which to live.

He said Bradford district had witnessed a 25 per cent fall in crime levels over the past three years.

He acknowledged the police could not control all parts of the criminal justice system, warning that for every offender locked up more criminals were being released from prison.

And he revealed that he had been a victim of crime himself - his house had been burgled - and it "wasn't a pleasant feeling".

But he was very proud that Keighley police officers were recording the fastest response times in the West Yorkshire force.

He said the planned merger of Keighley and Bradford North police divisions would streamline the decision making process, replace some management posts with neighbourhood policing inspectors and put more officers on the beat.

He said the division was planning to reform the way in which it processes prisoners, so arresting officers can be out on the streets again sooner.

In response to a question from Cllr George Metcalf he said he placed huge value in the work performed by Police Community Support Officers. He believes they provide crucial intelligence for police officers and were proving extremely popular with members of the public.