A Sutton student has had a trip to Kenya put on hold.

Charlotte Warin, pictured, should have flown out to Kenya this week to carry out three months of voluntary work.

But following outbreaks of violence, after a disputed election result, the trip has been postponed. A decision will be taken next week by the organising charity whether to go ahead with the trip or re-schedule it to later in the year.

Charlotte, 19, was due to spend three months in Kenya with charity The Leap.

Together with around 26 other young people, she would have worked in areas of conservation, community and eco-tourism.

Dad John Warin said the charity had been in constant touch keeping them fully informed and was doing everything it could to ensure Charlotte took part in a trip.

"They are expecting the trip to go ahead on January 17, providing that the Foreign Office lifts the restrictions.

"But a final decision will not be made until January 16," he said.

Mr Warin believed that the situation in Kenya had been exaggerated and that the it was now beginning to calm down. "Kenyan people rely on tourism and if tourism suffers then the whole country suffers," he said.

Guy Whitehead, from The Leap, said they hoped to send Charlotte and her colleagues out to Kenya next Thursday but if not, they hoped to re-schedule the trip to April.