A man who tried to escape with stolen lead in a pram has been sentenced to eight weeks in prison.

Peter Parker, 32, of Coronation Way, Keighley, also admitted breaching two community service orders.

He had failed to attend virtually every work session since the first order was imposed in February last year, Bingley Magistrates were told on Tuesday.

Prosecutor Raj Kumar said a caretaker at Cliffe Castle Museum, in Keighley, spotted two men struggling with a heavy rucksack.

He also saw the men, one of whom was Parker, pushing a pram which when he approached he saw contained lead. He was suspicious of the men because lead had been stolen from the museum in the recent past.

Parker told police after his arrest that he had not stolen the metal but was picking it up on behalf of someone else.

He admitted handling stolen goods.

Keith Blackwell, for Parker, said it had been a foolish exploit amateurishly carried out by attempting the get-away with the haul of lead in a pram.

The bench was also told that Parker had received a community order for theft last February, which he breached.

He was given a further order later in the year and had continued to breach that, attending just the pre-placement work session on November 24.