Planners have approved an outline application to demolish a disused Sandbeds church and replace it with a residential development.

The decision was made at last Thursday's Keighley Area Planning Panel meeting, despite opposition from residents.

A petition signed by 30 people argued the Bradford Road site of the Church of Christ the King was not suitable for flats.

It added any residential development would lead to loss of privacy, increased traffic, destruction of valuable green space and loss of trees.

Planning officers had recommended the proposals be approved, subject to conditions to restrict the height of any new property and the securing of Section 106 cash from the applicant.

Planning officer Annette Middlemass pointed out that trees on the site were covered by a protection order, so would not be affected.

Keighley East district councillor Malcolm Slater noted he and nearby residents would keep a close eye on the content of any future detailed planning submission.

He said they would be particularly interested in the height of the planned homes, how much land they would occupy and what building materials would be used.

Members of the panel were shown indicative plans of what the new homes could look like and agreed they had no objection to giving permission in principle.

However, they imposed a number of new conditions.

They specified the new development should not be more than two storeys high and should not include attic level accommodation.

They added that Crossflatts residents - as well as people in Keighley East Ward - should be given priority for affordable homes in the new properties.