Keighley's MP has raised concerns about the murder of women who fail to wear niqab or burqa veils in Basra.

Labour MP Ann Cryer said the same Koranic interpretation of women's dress code in Keighley should be deployed in the Iraqi city. In the Commons last week she asked whether the same attacks had occurred before Britain invaded Iraq, or if the situation had worsened since the occupation.

Afterwards, she said: "Our invasion of Iraq has not helped women because women are still being killed because they are not wearing the appropriate dress.

"In the same way they are not being told to wear this in Keighley - they should not be told this in Basra.

"I was opposed to the invasion of Iraq in the first place and if it is that the situation has changed in Iraq since we have been there then that is an issue for me."

Mrs Cryer admitted that there was a requirement in the Koran that women should dress modestly, but it doesn't specify they have to wear a niqab or burqa.

Women being pressured to wear the niqab or burqa in Keighley has not materialised as a problem, but Mrs Cryer said that it was a growing trend in Bradford and admitted that this was a worry.