More than 4,500 tenants in the district's former council homes have signed up to a loyalty card rewards scheme.

The Bradford Community Housing Trust (BCHT) venture offers cardholders savings at high street stores, local restaurants and attractions, and free entry to competitions.

Members can also apply for grants towards training courses and community chest funding for local projects and receive discounts on the trust's handyman scheme.

The loyalty card - or "tlc" - scheme was piloted to BCHT tenants in the west city area of Bradford in 2005 and has since been rolled out district-wide.

Ian Simpson, the trust's assistant chief executive, business services and development, said: "The trust loyalty card scheme is all about rewarding good tenants, such as people who keep up to their rents and allow gas service engineers access to do their annual home checks.

"It's great to see the tlc membership grow month by month and at the same time see more shops and businesses joining the scheme.

"We are committed to improving the quality of life of our tenants and the tlc scheme is a great way of offering a range of "value added" benefits.

"It is also a good way of recognising and celebrating the work of inspiring local people through tlc's Nominate a Neighbour award scheme."

Last year Patrick Winup, of Farish House, in Keighley, put forward two fellow residents - the Sayers - for a Nominate a Neighbour prize for their work brightening up the sheltered scheme with flowers and hanging baskets. They received a certificate and flowers from the local warden.

Tenants interested in joining the scheme should contact their local housing office or phone 01274 254799 for an application form.