The latest phase of a Defra funded campaing to increase awareness of climate change has begun.

The Bradford Council campaign revolves around an advert focusing on a bee feeding on a dandelion, emerging through the winter snow. Plus leaflets are being dropped through people's doors telling them how they can contact the council to obtain free climate change guides.

The council's executive member for the environment, Cllr Anne Hawkesworth, is urging residents to think about the planet and resolve to do their bit.

It is true that even the smallest things can make a difference. But while we all go around switching off lights and not leaving appliances on stand-by what is the council doing?

Carbon emissions in Keighley could be reduced drastically with a workable traffic flow plan. The hot air expelled over the last two decades, on this issue alone, will have done nothing for global warming.

People would use their cars less - as Cllr Hawkesworth urges - with a reliable public transport structure.

Let the council lead by example. A good addition to the campaign would be to list how its green initiatives are working. How many councillors use public transport to get to meetings? That would be a good start.

It is a good question to ask candidates during the forthcoming local elections.