At this month's meeting, Harden Parish Council appointed Mrs Jess Mathews as parish clerk. Councillors also approved the proposal for a £10 precept on Band D properties for the year 2008/9.

In the likelihood of a possible threat to close the village post office, the parish council has spearheaded a questionnaire that was being delivered to every household in the parish. Such is the support for retaining the post office that within three days of delivering questionnaires more than 33 per cent of households had .

n Harden Primary School students have been approached to design a parish council logo which will appear on letterheads and newsletters.

Parish council vice-chairman Mike Andrews has prepared a brief and it is hoped that suitable designs will be available during the first week in March which will then be judged by the parish council. The three prize-winners will each receive a book token.

Councillors have recommended approving a planning application to build a single storey extension at the front of 11 Ferrands Close to create a shower room for disabled use.