A new project aimed at tackling obesity among young people was launched this week in Keighley.

Youngsters are taking part in hour-long physical activity sessions followed by fun workshops.

The scheme, which will run for eight weeks, is geared towards eight to 14-year-olds who are overweight or at risk of becoming so.

Behind the "Prop Idol" venture are Bradford Council's sport and leisure service, Bradford Bulls rugby club and the local primary care trust.

Sessions are being held on Mondays, at Keighley Leisure Centre, 4.15-6.45pm. The cost is 65p per week.

After physical activity stints led by Bulls' coaches, the youngsters take part in workshops based around healthy eating and increasing exercise.

Parents are also able to join in the workshops, when there is an opportunity to meet NHS professionals to discuss any concerns they may have and get expert advice.

Steve Warner, the council's head of sport and leisure, said: "This particular area of work with young people is now very much a key part of our b-active campaign.

"Prop Idol, along with other similar initiatives, plays a crucial role in our bid to get the message across that regular exercise and a sensible diet can help us all lead healthier lives.

"Teaming up with the Bradford Bulls and the Bradford and Airedale tPCT means there is hands-on, expert advice available to children and their parents from some of the leading members in the health and exercise fields in our district."

Sessions are also being held at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre, in Bradford.