Lee Fairclough stole an expensive hair gel because he and his girlfriend, who was on incapacity benefit, felt pressure on their finances.

Fairclough, 20, of Lodge Gate, Denholme, who relied on income support, pleaded guilty to stealing the gel - valued at £13.23 - from the Denholme Co-op store.

He also admitted failing to turn up at court to answer bail on Tuesday, January 8.

Bingley Magistrates - sitting last Thursday - sentenced him to a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £25 costs.

Mike Stott, prosecuting, said Fairclough and his girlfriend had bought some products from the Co-op and then returned for the hair gel and left without paying.

Paul Fitzpatrick, for Fairclough, said his client was on a limited budget but his actions were "crass stupidity".