The story of Ian Dennis ought to be put in the armoury of those who are working to tackle the drug and substance abuse in our midst.

Great strides are being taken in the fight against drugs, with the police getting more support. From responses to reports in this newspaper it is quite clear that the general public have the scourge of drug dealing on their agendas.

But what happens to the lost souls, who for whatever reason, have ended up addicted to drink or drugs. Thankfully, we are blessed in this district with a number of bodies which are also making in-roads into helping those who have fallen by the wayside.

Less than two years ago Ian Dennis was sleeping rough as he faced isolation and rejection as he fought his personal battle against drug addication.

Now, at the age of 21, he has turned his life around and is about to start a cruise business on the Leeds Liverpool Canal using a "green boat". He has had help from organisations, went on a course for young would-be entrepreneurs and ran events to raise the money.

Ian says this has given him a great sense of achievement and made up for a lot of the lost time in his life.

This is a story of hope and we wish Ian all the success in the world for his venture. He has been on a journey to the dark side of life and is now back in the light. It is a story which needs to be told to others struggling to find their way back.