The January meeting of Laycock WI included a talk by Yvonne Gilson, advice service manager from the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).

Members were surprised to learn that the CAB was launched in 1939, the day after war broke out, and was initially manned by volunteers from the professional sector.

During the war they advised on missing people, ration books and of course debt, which is still relevant today.

The CAB is now run by volunteers from all walks of life but they are still trained by professionals.

They also provide advice on policies and practices that affect the lives of people today. They have an equal opportunities approach and to illustrate this, members took part in role-play using examples of case histories.

The CAB provides free information and advice and is a registered charity dependent on donations and funds.

Established in Keighley in 1963, it covers a wide local area and also operates from doctors' surgeries and gives home visits and telephone advice.

A vote of thanks was given by Judy Hazelhurst.

Reminders were given for the group AGM, at the Old White Lion, Haworth, and "Gill's Cheap Day Out" to Carlisle, on February 5. Recipes are still required for the fundraising booklet and all members are requested to provide at least one.

The next quiz is next Thursday, at the Old White Bear, Cross Hills. If a meal is required please be at the pub for 7pm.

Karen Walbank and Barbara Atkins will be the branch delegates at the federation annual meeting on April 22, at Pudsey.

Competition winner for the best piece of advice was Chris Moore, second was Linda Littler and third Yvonne Portlock. The raffle was won by Hilda Walsh.

The next meeting on February 21 is a members' night and will include bingo.

Hostesses are Pam Farrimond and Carol Bellamy.