Crossflatts residents have aired their concerns in a new Bradford Council action plan.

The in-depth report from Shipley Area Committee also suggests how villagers' problems could be solved.

It looks at education, community safety, health, housing, leisure, the economy and the environment.

Some of the solutions are already under way and others must wait until funding is found.

The local action plan also covers residents' concerns and possible solutions for the nearby village of Micklethwaite.

The council talked to as many of Crossflatts' 2,000-plus residents as possible while consulting on the plan.

They said the biggest plus points about living in the village were lovely countryside, good transport links, good shops and a strong sense of community.

Three-quarters of residents called for a litter-free environment, while more than a third wanted more shops and a solution to parking problems.

Crossflatts residents were particularly concerned about commuters parking in village streets all day so they could catch trains from the local station.

They were also concerned about speeding traffic in Keighley Road and Canal Road, large vehicles using the village rather than the nearby by-pass, and cyclists riding fast on the canal towpath.

Residents wanted a Crossflatts pharmacy - which is now being planned by a local firm - and an outreach GP surgery. Many warned that continued housing and business development would put pressure on the primary school and other village amenities, and threaten wildlife habitats.

Shipley Area Committee will take into account the action plan's recommendations when updating its area-wide action plan.

The Crossflatts findings will influence how money is spent by Bradford Council in the future.