Keighley police could be quizzed by councillors about operations against drugs, vandals and loan sharks.

Keighley Area Committee wants officers to attend a future meeting to report on their crime-fighting efforts. The committee, part of Bradford Council, issued the invite after discussing recent joint projects.

The committee gave £38,000 for the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education and Awareness Initiative. Police and other agencies forged links with communities to address drug and drink-related trouble, and encouraged reports of drug dealing and anti-social behaviour.

A separate £38,450 grant was shared between two projects that worked with people at risk of turning to crime.

One, based at the Russell Street Project, helped reduce anti-social behaviour in central Keighley. The other, the Young Citizens Development Programme, built a community spirit among Braithwaite youngsters.

The area committee wants police to give detailed reports of the drug and alcohol initiative and the young citizens' programme.

The council also wants to hear how the police are currently tackling criminal damage, and loan sharks operating around the town.