A 40-year-old Silsden man is to help build a home for sick and orphaned children in Malawi.

Patrick Smith - a supervisor at Leeds company DePuy International Ltd, which makes replacement body joints - will journey to south-eastern Africa in May to help provide accommodation for terminally ill children, and those who have been orphaned and neglected.

His job for one week will include physical labouring, along with a team of other volunteers organised by the Open Arms Malawi charity.

Before he makes the trip he must raise £1,500 to pay for his travel and accommodation costs, with the remainder going directly to the charity. DePuy has agreed to match the sum he raises. Having only travelled to places in Europe and America before, Mr Smith admitted the experience would be enlightening.

He said: "It is going to be like nothing I have ever done before. I wanted to do it just to give something back really. It will be good to experience the life these people lead and be able to help them in some way.

"As well as working we will be getting the chance to spend some time with the children and their carers.

"Our society is very materialistic these days so I think it will be good to see how they live."

Other workers from DePuy will also be joining him. If anyone wishes to sponsor Mr Smith, they can do so by emailing him on psmith20@dpygb.jnj.com or by phoning 07917 577056.