Silsden punters have put their hands in their pockets to raise much-needed funds for the local summer gala.

A three-week-long raffle was held at the Punch Bowl Inn, in centre of the town, with landlords David Smart and Chi Chi Wu whipping up customer support for the cause.

The raffle was drawn at Christmas and all the fundraising efforts raised £670. The cash was handed over this week.

Graham Inman, Silsden Gala Committee advisor, said some fantastic prizes had been donated by the town's businesses.

He said: "The pub was packed on the day of the draw, which shows that a lot of people supported it.

"Thanks have to go to David and Chi Chi - at the Punch Bowl - for all the effort they put into selling the tickets, because they really did go to some trouble." Mr Smart said that the pub was glad to continue its tradition of supporting the Silsden summer gala.

The summer gala is planned for the last Sunday of July this year.