DON'T panic Mr Mainwaring, we're not doomed' after all.

It seems as though the Home Guard are making a comeback in the Worth Valley - and they are appealing for help.

The group, pictured left, aim to recreate the appearance of personnel from C Company, 28 Battalion of the West Riding Home Guard, which protected the Worth Valley during the war.

Since May last year, its members have bought uniforms and deactivated weapons such as a Bren light machine gun, several rifles and sub-machine guns, and even a crude anti-tank gun.

The enthusiasts, who come from Keighley and Haworth, have put out a public appeal for documents and photographs relating to the Home Guard in the Keighley area during the war.

Ingrow resident Peter Wedel, 59, said: "We want to pay tribute by recreating this Home Guard unit as accurately and realistically as possible, so any help is more than welcome.

"If an old chap comes up to us and says that's exactly right', then that's just what we want."

Anyone with documentary or verbal information on the wartime Home Guard can can Mr Wedel on 01535 662484.