SUPPORT is continuing to grow for people whose lives have been torn apart by the invasion of Ukraine.

Fundraising activities and displays of unity are being staged across the Keighley district.

Keighley Bus Company and fellow subsidiaries of Transdev are giving their backing.

Each bus is carrying a heart-shaped Ukrainian flag as a visible sign of solidarity.

And tomorrow (Sunday, March 20), 10p from every customer journey made will be donated to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

In addition, subsidiaries that operate in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany are providing direct assistance to refugees – including charter buses and the delivery of equipment and supplies to Ukrainian families fleeing their homeland.

Alex Hornby, Transdev's chief executive officer, said: "Like everyone, we have been saddened by the appalling events in Ukraine and the dreadful impact these have had on people having to flee the country.

"All of us at Transdev felt compelled to show our support and we hope the donation from fares will go some way to giving the right kind of help to those who need it.

"We are proud to employ a number of Ukrainian families as part of our own team and give our full support to international Transdev colleagues aiding the humanitarian effort elsewhere in Europe."

Fundraising events planned locally include a live music night at Sutton-in-Craven on Friday, April 1.

The We Stand with Ukraine event – in the village hall – will feature band Sons of Robin and a DJ, plus there will be a raffle and licensed bar.

Organiser, Samantha Thomas, said: "I decided to do this as I felt I needed to find a way to do something."

The event will take place from 7.30pm to 11.30pm.

Tickets are £10, with all proceeds going to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Go to PayPal.Me/regionalfundraiser.

The Yorkshire and Skipton building societies have each announced £50,000 donations for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

Yorkshire Building Society is also temporarily lifting restrictions on causes that staff can support through its paid volunteering scheme – which allocates each employee 31 hours' paid leave every year to help a charitable project – so that colleagues can assist with sorting and packing donated goods for Ukrainian refugees.

And Skipton Building Society has opened its doors to anyone wanting to donate to a dedicated appeal account. People can call at any branch or contact the society on 0345 850 1722.