COULD anyone tell me why we are paying over £100 in precept to West Yorkshire Police, when we don't have any police in Keighley?

Recently I went to a town council meeting regarding the speeding motorists flying around our roads, particularly on a night-time, and a new police inspector was there to explain what the police were doing to help. He stated that the main police station on Royd Ings Avenue was manned 24/7 by 24 police officers. I questioned this, more likely his estimate was 23 office staff and not rank and file officers – he then made excuses and left for a meeting in Ilkley.

My question is why are the people of Keighley, Ilkley, Shipley and surrounding areas subsidising Bradford where police are visibly 24/7? We must demand from our MPs that police officers are proportioned fairly in every town. The Government made a promise that 22,000 new officers would be employed, yes but not just in London.

Malcolm Balmforth, Keighley

* Alison Lowe, West Yorkshire's deputy mayor for policing and crime, responds: "The new budget, which was set by the mayor with the full support of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, enables the recruitment of 341 police officers and 84 members of police staff over the next year.

"It also allows for additional resources to be allocated to protecting the vulnerable, supporting victims and witnesses and reducing crime as well as increasing diversity, equality and inclusion.

"West Yorkshire continues to have the fourth lowest precept (police element of council tax) in England and Wales but we are acutely aware of the cost of living increases so it was incredibly important that this budget had a clear mandate from our communities.

"Before setting the budget, the mayor ran a precept survey. The majority of those that responded were behind the continued efforts to secure extra police investment across West Yorkshire. This, coupled with the comprehensive feedback of the Police and Crime Plan consultation, has revealed a strong appetite for change. People want to feel safe in their communities and the precept helps fund crucial work.

"The deployment of police officers and police staff is rightly an operational decision which sits with West Yorkshire Police. However, I can confirm that Keighley has police officers stationed there as well as a dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Team."

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