An 18-year-old Keighley man has learned to turn the other cheek after a fracas at Skipton's Breeze Bar, a court heard.

The barmaid on duty just before closing time on December 20, last year, stepped in between Anthony Kennedy and another man whose face was covered in blood, Skipton Magistrates heard last Friday.

The woman went on to close all the doors and phone for the police after half of the 50 people left in the Swadford Street bar started fighting.

Kennedy, of Cliffe Terrace, Keighley, was in Skipton with a group of friends and had retaliated after being provoked, the court heard.

In mitigation, Glen Maude said Kennedy, a trainee mechanical engineer, deeply regretted his actions.

"He's not been in court before. He'd come from Keighley with a group of friends, it was the Thursday before Christmas and he was back in work the next day. He had been drinking but was not drunk.

"His friend had got into a fight and he had got involved. He was hit twice, he got angry and hit back. He now sees he should have walked away."

Kennedy, who pleaded guilty to provoking unlawful violence, was given a 12-month conditional discharge.

He was ordered to pay £43 costs.