Progress on the Airedale Masterplan will be discussed by Keighley councillors next week.

They will hear about Keighley Railway Station improvements and a new community centre for Haworth.

Members of Keighley Area Committee will also see detailed plans for a cycle and walking route from Keighley to Shipley.

The Masterplan is the regeneration blueprint for Keighley, Bingley and Shipley, covering both the economy and residents' quality of life. It includes developing high-tech businesses, improving transport links, encouraging investment and supporting rural areas.

A report to the committee states that recommendations for improving the railway station were drawn up last May.

The plans were delayed due to discussions about access over the station forecourt to the new Park Lane College Keighley campus.

Now the college plans have been approved by Bradford Council, work will continue with the station project.

The report reveals that Masterplan bosses had secured cash from Yorkshire Forward's Modernising Rural Delivery programme.

The cash would develop "hubs" in outlying villages, providing a home for several services in one place.

The fund had supported the adaptation of part of Silsden Town Hall, including connection to broadband. Another hub could be established in Haworth as part of the wider development of a new library in a replacement community centre.

The Masterplan report reveals that design work has been completed on the Airedale Greenway.

This would create a continuous cycle and walking route from Shipley station to Keighley town centre.