This cheery if austere wartime Christmas party was held by the staff of clothing manufacturers W Martyn (Keighley) Ltd, of Holycroft Mills, Oakworth Road, in 1944.

The photograph has been supplied by Mrs Dorothy Kayley, of Sunnyhill Avenue, who appears as Miss Dorothy Manton on the second row back, along with her friends, Betty Lowcock, Evelyn Pickles and Mabel Albone.

"We had to take our own food and crockery," she recalls at that time of rationing. The firm made lighter-weight articles of uniform, like singlets and shorts for sailors in the far east.

Other wartime necessities produced in Keighley included marine engines by H Widdop and Co Ltd, narrow fabrics for balloons, parachutes and dinghies by George Hattersley and Sons Ltd, and lathes for use aboard repair ships by Dean, Smith and Grace Ltd.

Prince-Smith and Stells Ltd turned out among much else a staggering 1,057,515 spiked bayonets.