A ten-year-old boy has returned home after receiving vital cancer treatment in Geneva.

Callum Mynott, from Stockbridge, has a rare form of throat cancer and required specialist radiotherapy abroad because the treatment was not available here.

Friends, family and his favourite rugby team, the Keighley Cougars, raised funds for the potentially life-saving ten-week trip. to Switzerland.

While there, Callum underwent 45 minutes of specialist radiotherapy each day in the Bad Zurzach hospital.

Although they will not know if the radiotherapy has been successful for some months, David Mynott said his son is already looking healthier.

He said: "He has got a bit bigger and put on weight, but he will have to be on growth steroids for the rest of his life.

"He has been back at school this week and I have just picked him up from rugby practice.

"We won't find out for a while if the treatment has worked, we just have to cross our fingers and see, because he can't have it done again - it can only be done once."

Callum, who celebrated his birthday in Geneva, said he was just happy to get back to normality.

He said: "I am just glad to be back home and back to real life.

"While I was there we could walk over the border into Germany, it was good. I went running and walking a lot.

"I don't know if it has worked but I think it has, I hope it has."

To celebrate Callum's return and say a big "thank you" to everyone. a party is being held at Cougar Park this Saturday, 7.30pm.

Mr Mynott said: "There will be a disco and karaoke and some Cougar players are turning up.

"It is to say thank you to everyone who raised money for Callum, and as a belated birthday party for him. Everyone is welcome, we would like everyone to be there."